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Private Sessions

Are you looking for a one-on-one or private group session? Here is what you can expect!

Personalized Attention

We focus solely on you, tailoring the practice to your specific needs, abilities, and goals. This individualized attention ensures that you are practicing safely and effectively.

Confidence Building

Practicing one-on-one with an instructor can boost your confidence! You'll receive encouragement and guidance tailored to your individual progress, fostering a sense of empowerment.

Customized Practice

Private sessions allow for a deeper exploration of Yoga techniques, philosophy, and practices. You can ask questions, receive detailed explanations, and delve into aspects of Yoga that interest you.

Intuitive Adjustments

Adjustments are customized to your body and energy levels fostering a greater understanding of your body's limitations, promoting mindful movement and injury prevention.

What to Expect


To fulfill your goals and needs, one-on-one private sessions are 90 minutes long. Private group options are available.


Private sessions are available in-person at a yoga studio (yoga props provided) or via Zoom. The choice is yours!


Private sessions, whether it be for one-on-ones or for private groups, are $50.00 per 90-minute session.

Yoga Styles

Private sessions can be requested for: Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin, Restorative, Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga styles.

Book Your Private Session

one-on-one or private group session

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